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Embrace the Wild – Opting for Dead Standing Logs to Craft Your Cabin

Welcome to the world of sustainable log home construction! Embrace the eco-friendly choice of using dead standing logs, often referred to as “standing deadwood,” and discover the natural advantages that they bring to your dream log home.

Moisture Content:

Dead standing logs are like nature’s superheroes, naturally seasoned by the elements. While their moisture content varies, they generally range from 15% to 20% or lower, making them drier than freshly harvested green logs. This low moisture content is a game-changer for construction, minimizing post-construction settling, shrinking, and warping in log structures. Builders cherish the natural seasoning of dead standing logs, contributing to stability and suitability for log homes.

Benefits of Dead Standing Logs vs. Kiln Logs:

• Natural Stability: Dead standing logs, having weathered the elements over an extended period, showcase enhanced stability through gradual seasoning during their upright existence.

• Environmental Sustainability: Embrace sustainable construction with dead standing logs, contributing to repurposing wood without energy- intensive drying processes.

page2image14254912True Log aligns with eco-conscious building methods and reduces the demand for freshly harvested wood

• Low Environmental Impact: Harvesting dead standing logs minimizes impact on living forests, fostering biodiversity and promoting ecosystem preservation—a perfect match for sustainable forestry practices.

• Carbon Sequestration: By repurposing dead standing logs, you actively support carbon sequestration, preventing the release of stored carbon into the atmosphere. It’s an environmentally friendly choice with potential carbon footprint benefits.



Comparison with Kiln-Dried Logs:

  • Reduced Moisture Content: Both dead standing logs and kiln-dried logs boast lower moisture content, ensuring minimized settling, shrinking, and potential issues like cracking or warping in log homes.
  • Enhanced Stability: The lower moisture content in both dead standing logs and kiln-dried logs contributes to increased stability, essential for maintaining long-term structural integrity.

    In your journey toward an environmentally friendly log home, the choice between dead standing logs and other alternatives ultimately depends on your specific goals, preferences, and priorities. Embrace sustainability, stability, and unique aesthetics with dead standing logs—a natural choice for your log home construction.


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